A stranger whispered to me the other day, "what happens if you don't try so hard?" And it is still tumbling around in my head.
10 years ago
A stranger whispered to me the other day, "what happens if you don't try so hard?" And it is still tumbling around in my head.
Hi peeps!
While I’ve been busy avoiding running/swimming/biking and any/all discussion on such topics, I have been YOGAING. New word. I started a blog for the hell of it. Sort of a home base for people that are all “who are you?” And I’m all:
Check er out, subscribe, bookmark, whatevs! I hope you are all well. I’m still reading about you on the internets…
1. put more stuff away
2. organize storage/bsmt
3. contact prev owners
4. figure out garden
5. pull straws for who cleans up the dogshit in the lawn
6. buy grill
7. decide when to have bbq/party
8. send out change of address email - DONE 7/14/09