Thursday, September 20, 2007

How the hell does time go by so fast? I spent last weekend with friends kayaking and camping on Blind Island.

It was heaps of fun. I ran 15 miles on Sunday that was not heaps of fun. I've run this week, but barely. Work has been 24/7 and now that its died down I'm just tired. So much for anything really positive to say! Race logistics to be planned this weekend...17 days left!

1 comment:

jen said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun! I love to kayak, I wish I did it more. :) No worries on the mileage last week, you're tapering and less is more at this point.

I'm getting excited for you! :)

Let me know if any questions pop up as you are planning the details of your race- no detail is too small to have been overanalyzed by me at some point!