First let me start off with the bad news...I ran slower than I'd hoped. Oh yeah, and it sucked. Oh yeah, then I puked when I finished. Yes, seriously. More negatives are that running on a track alone sucks. I didn't have my ipod so maybe that was hard too.
On the positive side I am glad it is over with. Coach SB is a good coach. You can't improve if you don't challenge yourself. I will get faster. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Penny saved is a penny earned, etc.
Reasons why I ran slower:
1. My Garmin HR band kept slipping down my chest.
2. I drank wine and ate pizza last night.
3. It was just an off day.
4. I wasn't really running slow, my gauge of how fast I have run in the past is skewed (Garmin off, elevation favor, etc. who knows?).
I woke up this morning at about 7 and still felt really tired. My eyes felt like they were glued shut. I didn't think I'd had a lot to drink last night, but the wait staff at Apizza Scholls had an issue being able to keep water glasses filled. I did have about a half a bottle of wine before dinner, then another glass there. And pizza - so I think I had a lot of salt and alcohol in my system and not enough hydration! Anyway, I woke up feeling a little beat with a bag of nickels.
I ate a bagel w/butter for breakfast and coffee. Between then and the run I had about 50 oz of water and an apple.
I ran down to the track as a warm up (one mile) then we ran through some drills and went right into it. He didn't want me to wear my Garmin because he didn't want me to pay attention to the time. I had to wear it to record the HR info but I promised not to look (and I didn't). Every lap he called out the time - I can't remember all of the times, but they generally started at 1:45 and got a little slower each time. I knew right away that hitting a 14 minute finish was going to be hard. I would have to run 1:45 quarters the whole time and knew that was too hard for me today.
Regardless, I still pushed it as hard as I could. My legs felt fine but my chest did not - hard to tell if it was my heart or lungs, but probably both. Burning crushing sensation there - typical stuff when you're maxing yourself out. Mentally, running around a track alone that many times does suck. I haven't done it in years. I wish I could have pushed it harder and who knows why I didn't or couldn't. What I DO know is that it will get easier and I will become faster and that is awesome.
Overall I'm not really bummed out. I'm okay...ready for the next step AND a day off tomorrow!!!
Miles = 2.0
Pace = 7:37 (mile 1 = 7:24, mile 2 = 7:50)
HR = 185 bpm
I feel ya on the post hard run puke. It sucks yet somehow makes you feel very hardcore......or maybe i'm just strange.
Good job today Emily! Sorry it wasn't what you hoped, it just wasn't the perfect day for a time trial. But you still ran hard (obviously!) and had a killer workout. And you WILL get faster, and that will be cool. :)
Wow, good job! You are definitely going to get faster. I cannot even imagine puking after a workout.
Sorry about the vomit :(
wow - you worked it hard! I definitely need to do a lot more speedwork - although you're still WAAAY faster than me!
Hey, another PDX'er here!
I HEART HEART HEART Apizza Schools. Oooh, even just mentioning it... I've heard Dove Vivi is pretty bitchin too but we've yet to try it.
awesome job!! even if it didnt go as planned you still did awesome!
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